“How Do I Respond To Stress?”

Stress management really boils down to “how do I respond to stress?”.  As with any challenge, when I don’t feel as though I have the skills to work through something, I feel as though I can’t deal with it.  The more skills we build for mental fitness/mental wellness/emotional intelligence, the more we will deal with difficulties (like stress) in a productive way.  What’s great about learning these Life Skills for a Lifetime is they translate to fulfillment/success in all areas of life. 

There are several foundational skills we (I recommend we all learn these skills together and grow together) can all learn and use.  Breath Work, 8 to 9 hours of quality sleep, hydration, exercise, nutrition,  Accurate Thinking,  living in gratitude, and stop being negative are all skills we can learn and use daily. Using these together give us the foundation necessary to respond to “stress” effectively.

These all can begin to be learned through video lessons from the CARE Center and it’s peer counselors.  The CARE Center is a “stop in” spot (Room 701 W) on campus where typically 1200 to 1500 students get mental health assistance every year.  Our YouTube channel is 2gether Tuesday ( 2gether Tuesday - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › channel ) and covers everything from anxiety, depression, grief/loss/sadness to motivation, dealing with pain, and meditation.  You can reach the CARE Center counselor Mr Gray at mgray@lbschools.net and (562) 591-0581 x5898

- Michael Gray