9th Grade Team

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James Cooperider

“CIC offers students the opportunity to challenge themselves in preparation for their future at the same as pursuing their many other passions. The diversity of students, and their interests, enriches the culture and identity of not only the individual classrooms but Poly as a whole. I love seeing CIC students in their various elements - sports, music, theater. I love seeing my Seniors enjoy their final year as Jackrabbits and I love playing "Prom Police" at prom.

Having taught elsewhere in the district, it is the CIC students, teachers, families, and mission that brought me back to Poly, where I hope to spend the remainder of my teaching career.”

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Gwen Larsen

“CIC is all about the people. Students and teachers. There is a sense of shared responsibility for the kids we all guide and care for and teachers follow up with kids throughout the years. It's normal to leave feeling like you had a whole team cheering you on.

The kids are so diverse in interests in backgrounds in experiences and in expression. There are not the typical cliques that you see in high schools. We have many eccentric students, but the social groups are fluid and ever changing and everyone can find their people. CIC kids also adopt the attitude that they can work with anyone.

This is the most forgiving place for kids who have multiple passions and activities that dominate their after-school time, but ALSO want a solid college prep curriculum. It's a nice balanced program that fosters academic responsibility in exchange for some course flexibility.”

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John Elvidge

“I love teaching students that have a passion for learning! I am impressed that CIC students have such diverse interests. Most students are athletes or artists and some even manage to do both. I also love how engaged CIC students are either through clubs or student commission.

I love doing protractor and compass constructions in class. I think my students enjoy doing all of the different projects, whether it's finding the height of the flagpole using trigonometry or creating a pie chart by hand to show how they are spending their time.”

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Minqi Zhu

Interview pending!

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Rachel Suojanen

“I love when the students have learned enough Japanese to write their first letter to a pen pal. The only thing better is when they get a letter back and can read it.

I also love connecting with students with our cooking classes, and trying one another's onigiri creations. Also power claps!”

Carolina Argueta

Interview pending!

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Mike Fillipow

Interview pending!

Samantha Lawrence
AP Seminar

Interview pending!

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Cameron Beaulac
International Relations

“I have taught in many programs during my 30 years at Poly, and I can honestly say that I believe CIC is the best, and if I lived in the LBUSD, my daughters would have been part of it. The teachers within the program, year in and year out, are exceptional and want to see you child succeed. I know I do!

What I love about CIC students is the diversity of the students, their desire to learn, their willingness to both motivate and help others.”