11th Grade Team

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Stacey Hess Pettersson
English Language

“My favorite thing about teaching in CIC--besides the students, is the opportunity to work with so many devoted and talented teachers, and CIC students are diverse, dynamic, engaged, and kind. Does it get any better than that?

Former students know I love teaching existential aesthetics--or rather, works questioning the meaning of life. ("Deep snaps!"), though my favorite way to connect with my students is through humor. Being a teenager can be hard, but finding laughter while learning helps us remember to not take ourselves so seriously.”

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Christine Mercado

Interview pending!

Dan Adler

“Diversity in all of its forms. Racial, ethnic, religious, work ethic, interests, background, etc. THAT is my favorite thing about teaching in CIC. Our students are from so many different backgrounds and it adds so much to the class discussion.”

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Christine Tram
US History

“My favorite thing about teaching in CIC is the diversity of students. I have students that are motivated to take rigorous academic courses, but I also have students who have additional interests and they excel at those as well. My students are in Play Production, all the music programs, all the sports programs. CIC students are funny, curious, talented, and so many other things. The best part is seeing them grow in the program and after they leave Poly.”

Al Shaheen

“I have taught in CIC for 8 years and I've enjoyed meeting siblings of students I've taught in the past. I have fun just working with my students and watching the growth they achieve in the course of just a year with me.

My favorite thing about CIC is the sense of community among the CIC families and Poly's CIC faculty. Teachers, counselor and coordinator work together to support all students who are so talented and social; they really take care of each other.”

Language teachers continue on with you again this year.