10th Grade Team

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Sy Nguyen

Interview pending!

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Markie Zobel

Interview pending!

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Susan Watson

“My favorite thing about CIC has to be the diversity of my students. It sounds so corny but I wish the world could be more like CIC - people from different ethnicities and backgrounds working together toward a common goal.

CIC students are full of questions and they want to be challenged. They are eager to learn and love connecting with their teachers. They are also involved in every aspect of our school. CIC students are also musicians, actors, singers, student leaders, athletes and so much more. They never cease to amaze me.

I love watching what they do outside of the classroom. I go to their games, concerts, events, plays and musicals. Doing this allows me to really see the whole person and not just the student who is taking my class.”

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Charlie Dodson
World History

“I love that the students work together and support one another in an atmosphere of sincere camaraderie. They are competitive, no doubt, but they care about each others' success. The counselling infrastructure of CIC is immediately responsive to student needs, whether academic, emotional or material. CIC is at its heart a program that sets an elite standard without becoming elitist.”


Ishmael Pluton
World History

“The students! They are incredibly curious about the world and their place in it! I love going to see my students performing on stage or playing their sport! It is so cool to get out and see them pursuing one of their passions. I also love walking my students around the Poly campus and showing them WPA art projects when teaching about the Great Depression.”


Teacher TBD

Additionally, if you plan to continue your foreign language studies in Chinese or Japanese, you’ll see Ms. Kawasaki, Ms. Watson, and Mr. Zhu again this year.